As you can gather from the title of this post, I was making progress on some projects, but now I'm making none! I started to work on the jacket I talked about in my last post. I found that I had already applied the interfacing and done all of the staystitching. So, I put the front and back together and was about to apply the top band when I discovered that the apple print on the band would end up showing upside down when the jacket was done. Luckily I had some of the fabric left and I did cut out new pieces to solve this problem. However, I don't have the lightweight interfacing I need, so at some point today or tomorrow I need to go to Joann's.
Here is what I have so far:

I also tried making another Artsy Clutch, but it didn't turn out good and I decided that today is just not my day for sewing projects! However, last night I did work on some projects for my sewing room. Here are some things that are waiting to be hung:

The swatch portrait idea came from
this post on the Purl Bee. The framed pictures are scrapbook papers in cheap frames from Michael's. The pink clock is from Target. Love that! Special thanks to
Craft Bug...I had the idea for the swatch portraits and the scrapbook paper in frames for a while, but when I saw
this post where it was actually done, it inspired me to get moving and do it!
Last picture is of all the things I got at Joann's and Michael's recently (actually, I got more fabric at Joann's than is shown in this pic...and it was all on clearance!).

The rose fabric is for an ipod pillow for my bedroom, the other fabric covered a cheap basket, there are the scrapbook papers I used above, a pink fat quarter (I can't resist fat quarters when they are only $1), ric rac, cupcake print ribbon, a Martha Stewart jewelry project and cute little tins that would be great for putting magnets in for gifts. I'm sure you will see all of these in upcoming projects!