Wow, yesterday was a busy day! My father came over and hung all new blinds in my house and also hung curtain rods in my living room. The picture above shows my just about finished living room (just need some photos for the walls) with a runner, coasters and a pillow made by me and some new curtains just hung.
I also hung curtains in my bedroom and my sewing room, but since those rooms are still works in progress, no pictures just yet!
I had my mom, aunts and cousins over last night so for that I made a Weight Watchers dip and dessert. The dip is called Festive Feta Spread and came from I forget where I got the dessert from, but it's an ice cream pie made with low fat Edy's ice cream. I used different ice creams than the recipe called for, but it's what was available. Usually I take pictures of my finished dishes, but I forgot. They were delicious though!!!
I also started cutting out my Frenchy bag. I need to get some interfacing for it, which I will do this weekend so I can get started. I want to enter it into this contest and this one too (provided it comes out as good as the first one I made!). I also need to hit Joann's for this pattern, although I just noticed it's out of print. Hopefully they still have some. I've been looking for a pattern for the pleated tote forever, after seeing some made online. Finally I saw this post on Craftster and she gave the name of the pattern! I'm getting it this weekend because of the sale, but it's going to have to get on the list of things to be made (which keeps growing and growing!). One more thing - I did have time to make the Artsy Clutch from Bend the Rules Sewing (love this book!). I have so much of this fabric I think I'm going to make a whole set of things from it :-)

That's it for now, hopefully new projects and pictures to come this week!
Katie - the living room looks great! Love the color scheme. :)
I am so in love with that patterned fabric. Seriously, I want to devour it.
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