Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hello there!  So, I recently decided to sponsor a few blogs - it seems to be a great way to get your blog or shop out there for people to see.  I contacted Diana of dianapantz and let her know my interest in sponsoring, but that I didn't know how to create a button....she was kind enough to have her boyfriend, Blake, make one for me - check it out!

Isn't it cute!!!  Anyway, in the meantime, I had been searching for some tutorials so that I could learn to make my own.  Buttons seem like something that would be fun to keep changing up.  I used this tutorial from {just.lovely.things} to create the button below.  I used this tutorial to create the code so that it will link to my blog.  What do you think??

Since I was so excited that I made my own button, I contacted another blogger about sponsoring - check out Apple Blue right here :)


Cathy... said...

Neat! Love the button!!!

dianapantz said...

great job, katie!